Articles about different home-based business opportunities for you to look at.

Sunday, February 18, 2007


If you surf the internet why not get paid to do so. Go to this site:

There are many social networks like AGLOCO is an Economic Network. An Economic Network adds the driving principle that individuals who have joined together as a group can be economically stronger than the individuals alone. Today we see the internet consumer being exploited by many internet companies. AGOCO wants to change that.

The purpose of an economic network is for the members to acquire much of the value they create as possible. They shouldn't have to change their internet usage to get it.


Do you surf the internet, then why not go to this website to get paid to surf the web:

AGLOCO is an Economic Network. An economic Network adds the driving principle that individuals who have joined together as a group can be economically stronger than the individuals alone. Today, we see the internet consumer being exploited by many interney companies. AGLOCO wants to change that.

The purpose of an economic network is for the members to acquire much of the value they create as possible, and they shouldn't have to change their internet usage to get it.

Monday, January 15, 2007


To visit my shop and purchase your T-shirts, caps, mugs, banners, buttons to show that you support disability issues and would like to help raise funds for these organizations go to this link:
Then click shop in marketplace, then in the right hand corner write health then hit go, on this page go back up to thr right hand corner and write diseases and conditions. On this page on the left hand side there will be a list of all the different types of disabilities you can choose from and then pick the logo you want on the item you purchase. Remember all the funds raised will be donated to their respective organizations.

Here is an article I came across a few years ago:

Throughout history,
people with physical and mental disabilities
have been abandoned at birth
banished from society,
used as court jesters,
drowned and burned during the Inquisition
gassed in Nazi Germany,
and still continue to be segregated,institutionalized,
tortured in the name of behavior management,
abused, raped, euthanized, and murdered.
Now, for the first time, people with disabilities are taking their rightful
place as fully contributing citizens. The danger is that we will respond with
remediation rather than equality and respect. And so, we offer you


Do Not see my disability as the problem.
Recognize that my disability is an attribute.

Do Not see my disability as a deficit.
It is you who see me as a deviant and helpless.

Do Not try to fix me because I am not broken.
Support me. I can make my contribution to the community in my way.

Do Not see me as your client. I am your fellow citizen.
See me as your neighbor. Remember, none of us can be self-sufficient.

Do Not try to modify my behavior.
Be still & listen. What you define as inappropriate
may be my attempt to communicate with you in the only way I can.

Do Not try to change me. You have no right.
Help me learn what I want to know.

Do Not hide your uncertainty behind "professional" distance.
Be a person who listens, and does not take my
struggle away by trying to make it better.

Do Not use theories and strategies on me.
Be with me. And when we struggle
with each other, let that give rise to self-reflection.

Do Not try to control me. I have my right to my power as a person.
What you call noncompliance or manipulation may
actually be the only way I can exert some contol over my life.

Do Not try to teach me to be obedient, submissive
I need to feel entitled to say No if I am going to protect myself.

Do Not be charitable towards me.
The last thing the world needs is another Jerry Lewis.
Be my ally against those who exploit me for their own gratification.

Do Not try to be my friend. I deserve more than that.
Get to know me. We may become friends.

Do Not help me even if it does make you feel good.
Ask me if I need your help. Let me show you how you can best assist me.

Do Not admire me. A desire to live a full life does not warrant adoration.
Respect me. For respect presumes equality.

Do Not tell, correct, and lead.
Listen, Support, and Follow.

Do Not work on me.
Work with me.

To get a copy of this send $10.00 to: Career Performance Institute, PO Box 18943. Atlanta, GA.31126.


Do you support AIDS, MDA, Cerebral Palsy, ect? Then why not wear a T-shirts, buttons, or use mugs that proclaim that you do. All funds raised from this site will be donated to various charities.
Go to this site:
After you get to this site go to the right hand corner write in health, then go back to the same corner on this page and write in conditions and diseases. On that page look atg the list on the left and pick out the condition you want--breast cancer, autism, ALS, ect. it will then take you to the page with the logos. You choose the logo you want and order it on a T-shirt, cap, mug, banner, or button. Give it as a gift or use it yourself.


Wednesday, December 27, 2006


We are looking for leaders who would like to earn an income every time they use Taxi Sercice, an ATM, Travel, or use their credit cards. To sign up for free go to this link:


After you sign up for free with LeadesPowerLine you need to go to this site for a free membership:

Currently they are in pre-launch and trying out the viewbar. Once the test period is over you then download the viewbar. The viewbar will rest at the bottom of your screen or browser window while you serf the internet. The viewbar keeps track of your online interests and preferences, and uses that information to deliver the most valuable message to you at the right time. Because privacy is important, the viewbar communicates with its servers in an encriptic fashion to keep your information private.

The viewbar is the opposite of spyware. Spyware comes on without you knowledge and reports information. The viewbar is completely permission based, it keeps your information private and you can always turn it off with a single click. The viewbar has additional features:

1) Search (which lets us get you money from search engine companies)
2) Contextual Ads ( which helps us get you money from advertisers)
3) Anti Fraud and other Software utilities ( which lets us get you money from
software companies).

You are doing these things everyday why not get paid for it.

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

This is an update on NewNet Mail/MyMailpoints program. The address to go to is
Some of the changes that have occurred ar that you receive a 3 day 2 night vacation when you sign up for free. Every time you send an e-mail you receive points that can be coverted into gifts. There are bonus programs as well.

This is an update on NewNet Mail/MyMailpoints program. The address to go to is
Some of the changes that have occurred ar that you receive a 3 day 2 night vacation when you sign up for free. Every time you send an e-mail you receive points that can be coverted into gifts. There are bonus programs as well.

Saturday, December 02, 2006


Last week I witnessed a viral marketing website erupt in growth faster than I thought was possible .

I was personally invited to check it out myself recently and I can say with confidence that I don't think there's been a better internet marketing website released in years.

The combination of remarkablypowerful viral growth and a breakthrough new type of direct to desktop advertising makes using this site unfair to your competition. Check it out here:

I haven't explained the details of how it works here since when you visit their site you'll see that they did such a good job of it.

In the September 2006 issue of Consumer Reports they
printed an article that stated that it cost the public $7.8
million from spam, ID theft, fraud, and destroyed computers.
There is an alternative currently known as NEWNETMAIL
which is not e-mail but a new private alternative to e-mail.
You send an I-Corr (internet correspondence) instead.

You choose who can send you mail
There is no more spam
Letters are immune to viruses
There is no chance of ID theft
No more offensive or fraudulent offers
Earn $$$ with lucrative affiliate offers

Go to the following link for a free subscription

They have revamped their marketing system to include
incentive marketing where when you upgrade from a free
subscription and invite your friends to join you can earn
instant bonuses,
paid to send and receive I-Corr's, plus a new name.
The new name is MYMAILPOINTS.